The little hassles of breastfeeding
What to do in case of painful breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is a moment of complicity and sharing between a mother and her child. However, it is not uncommon for certain ailments to be associated with this act. Painful breastfeeding is not normal. The pain is often linked to a bad position of the child during breastfeeding. It is necessary to take care to position oneself well, to position the child and his mouth during the feeding.
Taking care of the nipple
Small cuts or cracks on the nipple may appear. They are often due to a mispositioning of the baby's mouth during feeding. It is necessary to position the baby well and to wash the hands well before each feeding by spreading a little milk on the nipple and the areola: it contains antibodies making it possible to avoid the infections and growth factors which regenerate the skin.
How to deal with breast engorgement
It is an accumulation of too much milk in the mammary gland, the breast is red and painful. Engorgement is often related to an insufficient number of nutritious feedings. In addition, a vicious circle can occur: the pain causes the mother to breastfeed less, which makes the situation worse. The solution is then to make the milk flow by all means (feed, breast pump, alveolar massage).
Mastitis: poor milk flow during breastfeeding
It is an inflammation due to milk stagnation in the breast. In case of mastitis it is recommended to check that the baby has a good sucking technique and continue breastfeeding with the affected breast to avoid any complications. If breastfeeding is too painful it is necessary there still to make leave milk with a milk pump or manually. If the pain persists with signs of infection (fever), it is necessary to consult your doctor. To avoid this kind of problem, it is advisable to check the breastfeeding behaviour and to wash your hands before feeding. Finding out the causes of painful breastfeeding is important for both the breastfeeding mother and the baby. It is best to explain the pain to your doctor so that an appropriate response can be made for each mother.