The reintroduction of dairy products after CMPA

4 min

A gradual reintroduction under medical supervision

In fact, some children assumed to have recovered from their CMPA may nonetheless remain sensitive and not be able to tolerate normal amounts of dairy products. Numerous practices exist to authorise or otherwise the reintroduction of dairy products. It’s also important to consider the post-allergy period, which can cause a poorly balanced diet.
Beware: The reintroduction of foods must be carried out with the agreement and supervision of your baby’s doctor for CMPA.

A dairy product tolerance test in children

At the end of an avoidance diet, it is necessary to carry out oral challenge tests with cow’s milk around 18 to 24 months after the diagnosis has been made. This test involves having the child consume increasing amounts of milk. It is important to perform this test under medical supervision in a well-equipped hospital to anticipate any severe reactions.
Generally speaking, a drop of milk is first of all applied to the skin, then a drop is applied on the inside of the lips and finally, the child is given a taste of milk, increasing the doses very gradually.

If there is a reaction at any of the steps in this test, reintroduction must be delayed for several months.

If the child does not react, the tests are followed by a gradual reintroduction of milk and dairy products at home.

Reintroduction could start with foods containing only low amounts of dairy protein, for example, such as processed cheese.


The guidance of a paediatrician or doctor is essential when carrying out these various tests and only they can give the green light for the definitive reintroduction of dairy products.